Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to deal with a guy who neglects you around his family?

I have been going out with my bf for 7 years now. Every since high school. We recently graduated college. He constantly neglects my feelings whenever I hang out with this sister or parents. It really hurts my feelings and I have expressed it to him. He lives his family! So when I come over, I get sad that he gives me little to no attention. He is constantly complamenting his sister in front of me, telling her she looks pretty, or her hair looks good. But he says nothing to me...It gets me sad.How to deal with a guy who neglects you around his family?You deal with it by dumping him and finding someone who values you. The guy sounds worthless and you sound like you have no self esteem for putting up with it.How to deal with a guy who neglects you around his family?Why have you stayed with him for 7 years when he is such an unfeeling creep? You deserve someone who cares about you and takes you on dates. You shouldn't have to go to his family's home to see him.

You should value yourself more. Dump him and find a nice guy. This one has just become a bad habit and you don't realize it yet. Good luck.