I really love singing and have sang in front of a crowd before, but I began to shake really badly and my voice started to crack a bit. How can I gain more confidence and not be so nervous when I'm up on stage singing?How can you gain more confidence to sing in front of a crowd?People who have self confidence can do anything without fear. They know that no matter the worse case scenario, they will survive. They know how to stand up in front of a crowd without fear and know that even if they didn't know what they're talking about..they could get by on charm alone.
Some say imagine the audience in their underwear. If that works, use it. The easiest way in your situation, is to know your material like the back of your hand...practice practice practice!
Understand that even if you goof up, you will have learned something to apply to your next performance.How can you gain more confidence to sing in front of a crowd?Ah, this is the immortal question of all singers!
There's really no way to get over this except for performing until you get over it. I used to be absolutely terrified of singing in front of other people until my voice teacher got me a job singing at a hotel. I was terrified for the first few days, but then I started to get used to it. Pretty soon, it felt completely natural and I wasn't afraid at all!
The same thing happened to me with playing the piano in front of others.
I've talked to a lot of my friends who sing about this, and they all agree: the best way to get over this is to just perform. It WILL feel natural sooner than you think! :D
Just remember: the crowd is rooting for you!How can you gain more confidence to sing in front of a crowd?Practice Practice and more practice.
Start of in front of mirror.
Then get your hands on a video camera. Tape yourself and watch it. Do that until your happy with it. Then try doing same thing in front of 1 or 2 friends. Then 5 then 10 or more.
But practice is the word. 99% of actor's, Singers or performers get nervous in front an audience. That's why they call it stage fright.
Hang in there.How can you gain more confidence to sing in front of a crowd?Most of us thought that you were to be relaxed and just let it happen.
To eliminate stage fright:
Practice performing at home by yourself. Only think about the performance. Where the music is going, what you are trying to do to make it great. Think about how your voice sounds. Think about what the words mean.
If you think about these things, focusing on the performance you have no reason for stage fright. You are not thinking about the audience. You must learn to do this in practice and performance.
Good Luck