Friday, September 23, 2011

How do I overcome my shyness when I speak in front of my classes?

Actually I'm always shy. When I ge in front of the class my face turns bright red and when I speak it's always quiet and I have to talk louder which is even more of an embarrassment to me.

I want to learn how to speak in front of a class and people in general without getting nervous.

And I want to learn how to be social. It would come in handy since I'm a Freshman this year in High School.

Please Please help!

Anything will work!

Thanks in advance.How do I overcome my shyness when I speak in front of my classes?Nerves are good sign it shows how important this project is to you. Not everyone is nervous but you care about it so that's a good thing.

To dampen the nerves down you need to focus on people but not look at them look just above there head, so to them you could be looking at them but your not. Then just speak clearly, and talk loud, if people start going %26quot;Eh, I can hear her%26quot; it will put you off.

Smile, and most of all just relax, with deeper breathing, talk at your normal pace, and hold something like a pen or pencil in your hand to avoid fiddling.

Watch the other people and focus on what you consider to be their good and bad points and go from there.How do I overcome my shyness when I speak in front of my classes?um...;