Friday, September 23, 2011

How old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?

My friend has her permit. She needs a licensed driver in the front seat. How old does that licensed driver have to be? Does it vary from state to state? I thought the age was generally 21, but I'm not sure... Is there a website I can see that lists all the ages? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!How old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?Here in Texas the licensed driver needs to be at least 21, but it varies by state. Click the link below and go to your states page and at the bottom in the pink section it may tell the ages. Good luck!How old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?It can be anyone that has a license not a permitHow old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?Usually, you have to be 18. In other states, it can be anyone with a license. It basically varies from state to state. I would suggest searching by means of yahoo or Google your state laws and to look it up to find out for sure.How old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?here in pa. as long as you are old enough to have a license, thats 16 yrs old.they have to sit next to the driver with a permit.How old does that licensed driver in the front seat have to be?The licensed driver has to be at least 21 years of age and to have at least 1 year of driving experience (in Texas) dont know about the other states. Oh and by the way, if your friend has a permit, she should know that answer, cause it is in the book that u got for study