Monday, September 19, 2011

How large is the gap in your front two teeth from a palatal expander?

I am getting a palatal expander in a couple of weeks and I am very worried about how large the gap will be between my two front teeth. Have you had a palatal expander? How large was the gap? Once you got braces how long did it take for the gap to close?

Any other things I should know about it?How large is the gap in your front two teeth from a palatal expander?The gap for me was very small. The dentist, put my braces on quite fast. I just got my expander off today and it didn't hurt. They take off your braces and put them on again. Also the expander caused me to choke on bread so be very careful eating bread.

When your first get it on you talk weird it goes away in a few weeks though.

Also the first couple of days eat soft things like jello etc.

Hope I helped =]