I've never had a front loader before and aren't really sure how to use it. which compartment do I put the washing powder in? And does it have a filter I need to clean out? It doesn't seem to be getting my clothes cleaner, if anything they are coming out with stains on them.How do I use and maintain a front loader washing machine?Go on line and get the owner's manual. Our Maytag has a door on the top with different compartments for soap, softener etc. You also have to use high efficiency soap.
We do not have a filter.
Front loaders are good machines and save water.
You may be getting stains if you put the detergent in the machine with the clothes.How do I use and maintain a front loader washing machine?I would say use a liquid made for High efficency type washers. As long as you keep the pockets free of papers and other junk that could cause faux pauxs(accidents) then there is nothing to maintain. I used a 2000.00 set and all I did was mentioned above. preventive maint, making sure pockets free of papers, pens, gum etcHow do I use and maintain a front loader washing machine?The compartment above the door shows where
liquid or powder soap, bleach, %26amp; liquid softener goes %26amp; also the level amts.
Throw clothes in, fill compartments, push settings %26amp; start. There are'nt filters. Also, I wipe the machines lightly with cooking oil, which helps with dust, appearance, %26amp; rust about 4 times a year.